Bulgarian Rose Karlovo

Bulgarian Rose Karlovo Logo
  • Established: 1948
  • Products: Cosmetics
  • Location: Industrial Zone 1, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria

About Bulgarian Rose Karlovo

A small extract and the development of Bulgarian Rose Karlovo.

1948 - Foundation of the factory "Bulgarian Rose" in the city of Karlovo
1950 - Production of rose oil and absolute essential oils
1960 - Construction of the "SYNTHESISE" production plant, construction of a production plant for aromatic substances for soap, detergents and other cleaning agents

1970 - Integration of the production of natural rosewater and lavender products.
Integration of the production of flavorings for toothpaste.
Integration of the production of tobacco sauces and aromatic tobacco compositions.
Integration of the plants in Karlovo, Kazanlak, Plovdiv Gorna Oryahovica and Shumen under the "Bulgarian Rose".
1980 - Integration of the production of phyto-shampoos.
1997 - "Bulgarian Rose" is privatized and transformed into a shareholding structure.
2000 - Integration of the production of cosmetic products.
2001 - ISO 9000, complies with the ISO 9001: 2008 model.
2017 - In March 2017, a recertification audit was conducted according to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015.
All documentation for the transition from ISO 9001: 2008 to the new version of ISO 9001: 2015 was updated.
Statement of the Management of the Bulgarian Rose Plc on the Quality Policy

History of Bulgarian Rose Karlovo

"The spring breeze refreshes the faces of roses" Omar Khayyam
The rose has always been a symbol of beauty, youth and health. This royal plant has a special place in the hearts of people from antiquity to modern times and is part of romantic tales, legends and stories that still fascinate readers today. The incomparable aroma, delicate tenderness and unique properties of this gift of nature bring the feeling of luxury, health and happiness.

The rose, which came from India and Persia and travelled through many countries and uncertainties, has found its home in the mild climate and fertile land between the sunny mountains of central Bulgaria. This is one of the few places in the world where perfect conditions for growing the oleaginous rose - Rosa Damascena - prevail. In this region, known as Rose Valley, the production of rose oil dates back to the 16th century, while Bulgaria was the world leader in the production in the 19th century. The rose is closely connected with Bulgaria, as it appears in various symbols of the country. Every year during the rose harvest months of May and June, the Rose Carnivals tell about the old traditions of collecting flowers and producing oil - traditions that are still preserved today.

The Bulgarian rose has a deep and strong aroma and from its blossom Bulgarian Rose Karlovo produces the finest rose oil. Collecting rose petals is a very delicate and labor-intensive process, which is carried out by hand and with great care. It is done in the early morning hours when the flowers are in bloom and the essential oil contained in them is at its highest concentration. Over 3000 kg of hand-picked rose petals are needed to produce only 1 kg of rose oil.

The rose oil is called "liquid gold" because of its unique properties and high price. It is a natural elixir with countless benefits. It contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that have calming, anti-inflammatory and nourishing properties. They ensure a high moisture content of the skin, while you feel soft and smooth to the touch. Aromatherapy with rose oil reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and has a positive effect on depressive states.

Bulgarian rose oil is a fragrant treat for the senses. Previously available only to the upper social classes, it is now used by the world's leading cosmetic and perfume brands. The products based on natural rose oil protect the skin from the natural elements and the stress of everyday life. They offer a nature-based therapy for body and soul and help them to maintain their vitality and beauty.

Cosmetic products from Bulgarian Rose Karlovo

Cosmetic products for face, body and hair have been carefully developed by scientists and skilfully combine the pleasant fragrance and unique properties of Bulgarian rose oil with other natural ingredients. Aromatic herbs grown in the fertile soil of Bulgaria - lavender, mint, lemon balm and others - have a strong beneficial effect and are the basis of many natural beauty products that are known and sought after all over the world. The products have wonderful properties that protect skin and hair from harmful environmental influences and the stress of modern times. They contain natural minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which have calming, anti-inflammatory and nourishing effects. They offer a natural therapy for body and soul and help them to stay fresh and youthful.

Undesirable effects of modern life usually affect the skin first. Products based on rose oil are of the highest quality and suitable for all skin types, especially for dry, sensitive or mature skin. They provide a pleasant feeling of vitality and freshness. They soothe inflammation and redness, have an antiseptic effect and give a smooth texture and a radiant complexion. The products have excellent moisturizing properties and a gentle caring effect. With regular use, the skin becomes soft, supple and radiant. It is not without reason that beauty has been compared to the flower of the rose since ancient times.

Rose oil aromatherapy calms the mind and reduces stress. Whether you immerse yourself in the fragrant rose bath while scented candles enchant the relaxing atmosphere or refresh your senses with a pleasant scent - with our natural and unique products you will become vital and protect their attractiveness.

Traditionally and with modern technology we have developed our products by using the best of nature, the warm sun of the Rose Valley and the incomparable Bulgarian rose oil for a feeling of luxury, health and joy.